Sunday, August 23, 2020

Theories of leadership:

Hypotheses of administration: Presentation â€Å"The term administration is a word taken from the regular jargon and joined into the specialized jargon of a logical control without being absolutely reclassified. As results, it conveys unessential undertones that make uncertainty of significance (Janda, 1960). Extra turmoil is brought about by the utilization of other uncertain terms, for example, power, authority, the board, organization, control and oversight to portray comparable wonders. A perception by Bennis (1959, p. 259) is as obvious today as when he made it numerous years prior: Always, it appears, the idea of authority evades us or turns up in another structure to insult us again with its dangerous and multifaceted nature. So we have developed an unending multiplication of terms to manage it. what's more, still the idea isn't adequately defined.† â€Å"Most meaning of authority mirror the presumption that includes a procedure whereby deliberate impacts is applied over others to guide, structure, and encourag e exercises and connections in a gathering or association. The various meanings of authority seem to share little else for all intents and purpose. They vary in numerous regards, including who applies impact, the planned reason for the impact, the way where impact is applied, and the result of the impact endeavor. The distinctions are not simply t an instance of insightful criticizing; they reflect profound difference about distinguishing proof of pioneers and administration processes.†(Gary Yukl, 2010) Hypotheses of initiative: Douglas McGregor depicted Theory X and Theory Y in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise. Hypothesis X and Theory Y each speak to various manners by which pioneers see workers. Hypothesis X supervisors accept that representatives are propelled mostly by cash, are languid, uncooperative, and have poor work propensities. Hypothesis Y directors accept that subordinates buckle down, are agreeable, and have inspirational perspectives. Hypothesis X is the conventional perspective on heading and control by chiefs. It is the idea of normal person who aversions accomplishing work and will maintain a strategic distance from on the off chance that the individual can. In light of this human attribute of aversion of work, the vast majority must be controlled, coordinated, and compromised with discipline to get them to invest sufficient energy toward the accomplishment of authoritative goals. The normal individual likes to be coordinated, wishes to keep away from obligation, and has moderately little aspiration, needs security most importantly. Hypothesis Y is the view that individual and hierarchical objectives can be incorporated. The uses of physical and mental exertion in work are as normal as play or rest. Outside control and the danger of discipline are not by any means the only methods for bringing out exertion toward authoritative goals. Responsibility to goals is an element of the prizes related with their accomplishment. The normal individual learns, under legitimate conditions, not exclusively to acknowledge yet in addition to look for obligation. The ability to practice a moderately high level of creative mind, inventiveness, and innovativeness in the arrangement of hierarchical issues in broadly, not barely, appropriated in the populace. Under the state of present day modern life, the scholarly possibilities of the normal person are just somewhat used. Fred E. Fiedlers possibility hypothesis proposes that there is no most ideal route for supervisors to lead. Circumstances will make diverse administration style necessities for an administrator. The answer for an administrative circumstance is dependent upon the elements that force on the circumstance. For instance, in a profoundly routinized (unthinking) condition where tedious assignments are the standard, a specific authority style may bring about the best execution. A similar authority style may not work in a powerful situation. Fiedler took a gander at three circumstances that could characterize the state of an administrative undertaking: Pioneer part relations: Compatibility between the chief and the representatives? The undertaking structure: Is the activity exceptionally organized, genuinely unstructured, or some place in the middle? Position power: How much authority does the chief have? Chiefs were appraised concerning whether they were relationship situated or task arranged. Undertaking focused chiefs will in general improve in circumstances that have great pioneer part connections, organized assignments, and either feeble or solid position power. They do well when the undertaking is unstructured yet position power is solid. Additionally, they found real success at the opposite finish of the range when the pioneer part relations were moderate to poor and the undertaking was unstructured. Relationship arranged directors improve in every other circumstance. Accordingly, a given circumstance may require a supervisor with an alternate style or an administrator who could take on an alternate style for an alternate circumstance. Another part of the possibility model hypothesis is that the pioneer part relations, task structure, and position power direct a pioneers situational control. Pioneer part relations are the measure of faithfulness, steadfastness, and bolster that the pioneer gets from workers. It is a proportion of how the director sees the person and the gathering of representatives are getting along together. In a good relationship the administrator has a high assignment structure and can compensate or rebuff workers with no issues. In a horrible relationship the undertaking is typically unstructured and the pioneer has constrained position. Situating power quantifies the measure of intensity or authority the director sees the association has given the person in question to immediate, fulfilling, and rebuffing subordinates. Situating intensity of directors relies upon the removing (great) or expanding (horrible) the dynamic intensity of workers. The undertaking roused style pioneer encounters pride and fulfillment in the assignment achievement for the association, while the relationship-propelled style tries to manufacture relational relations and expand additional assistance for the group improvement in the association. There is nothing but bad or awful administration style. Every individual has their own inclinations for initiative. Undertaking persuaded pioneers are at their best when the gathering performs effectively, for example, accomplishing another business record or beating the significant contender. Relationship-situated pioneers are at their best when more noteworthy consumer loyalty is picked up and a positive organization picture is built up. Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership hypothesis depends on the measure of heading (task conduct) and measure of socio-enthusiastic help (relationship conduct) a pioneer must give given the circumstance and the degree of development of the devotees. Undertaking conduct is the degree to which the pioneer takes part in explaining the obligations and duties to an individual or gathering. In task conduct the pioneer takes part in single direction correspondence. Relationship conduct is the degree to which the pioneer participates in two-manner or multi-way correspondences. This incorporates tuning in, encouraging, and steady practices. In relationship conduct the pioneer takes part in two-manner correspondence by giving socio-enthusiastic help. Development is the readiness and capacity of an individual to assume liability for coordinating their own conduct. Individuals will in general have fluctuating degrees of development, contingent upon the particular undertaking, capacity, or target that a pioneer is endeavoring to achieve through their endeavors. To decide the proper administration style to use in a given circumstance, the pioneer should initially decide the development level of the adherents corresponding to the particular errand that the pioneer is endeavoring to achieve through the exertion of the devotees. As the degree of supporters development builds, the pioneer should start to diminish their assignment conduct and increment relationship conduct until the adherents arrive at a moderate degree of development. As the aficionados move into a better than expected degree of development, the pioneer should diminish task conduct as well as relationship conduct. Houses Path-Goal Model The way objective hypothesis created by Robert House depends on the hope hypothesis of inspiration. The directors work is seen as instructing or controlling laborers to pick the best ways for arriving at their objectives. Best is decided by the going with accomplishment of authoritative objectives. It depends on the statutes of objective setting hypothesis and contends that pioneers should participate in various sorts of administration conduct contingent upon the nature and requests of the specific circumstance. It is the pioneers employment to help adherents in achieving objectives and to give guidance and bolster expected to guarantee that their objectives are perfect with the associations. A pioneers conduct is adequate to subordinates when seen as a wellspring of fulfillment and inspirational when need fulfillment is dependent upon execution, and the pioneer encourages, mentors and rewards powerful execution. Way objective hypothesis distinguishes accomplishment situated, order, participative and steady administration styles. In accomplishment arranged initiative, the pioneer defines testing objectives for adherents, anticipates that them should perform at their most elevated level, and shows trust in their capacity to meet this desire. This style is fitting when the devotee experiences absence of employment challenge. In order administration, the pioneer tells devotees what is anticipated from them and reveals to them how to play out their assignments. This style is fitting when the adherent has an equivocal activity. Participative authority includes pioneers talking with adherents and requesting their proposals before settling on a choice. This style is proper when the supporter is utilizing inappropriate methodology or is settling on poor choices. In strong authority, the pioneer is well disposed and congenial. The individual in question shows worry for adherents mental prosperity. This style is appropr

Friday, August 21, 2020

Human Cloning2 essays

Human Cloning2 articles I have seen in my nineteen years of living that nearly everybody in this general public endeavors to be the equivalent or like the mainstream society. The normal individual is materialistic, and takes a stab at an engaging physical appearance. Phony is regular in the mainstream society. For instance, biting the dust of hair shading, embeddings shading contacts, getting lyposuction, inserts or expulsion of blemishes on the body is predominant. I unequivocally contradict human cloning principally in light of the fact that I accept that people as of now attempt to imitate themselves enough and having similar qualities isn't important. In addition, in light of the fact that there might be two indistinguishable creatures doesnt imply that they will carry on the equivalent. In this article will clarify how cloning is accomplished, the advantages and risks of human cloning, address my perspectives on hereditary separation, approaches that I propose to forestall maltreatment of hereditary bu ilding, and why a precise clone a never be done. In the first place, I will talk about how cloning is made conceivable. After a few endeavors, Professor Ian Wilmat and his accomplices effectively cloned Dolly. Cloning is an exceptionally multifaceted procedure and it requires unique gear and present day innovation. To start, a cell is expelled from the living being that will be duplicated, otherwise called the benefactor. The cell is separated by a cut in the skin, an example of blood or even a bit of the genuine skin. Next, the second regenerative cell is taken from the female creature. The whole deoxyribonucleic corrosive (DNA) is expelled from the core. (DNA contains all the data of heredity.) A little a mount of DNA is additionally expelled from the benefactors cell core. Right now, the contributors DNA is constrained into the second cells core. This permits the two cells to be equal as far as qualities and DNA. Fussion is utilized to consolidate the two cells. Now the transporter must be found, on the off chance that it isn't as of now present. The transporter is the female that desires or is happy to bring forth the cloned baby.... <!

Friday, July 10, 2020

How to Write an Argumentative Essay - Writing an Argumentative Essay the Right Way

How to Write an Argumentative Essay - Writing an Argumentative Essay the Right WayThere are many resources for effective writing that will help you write an argumentative essay. However, if you aren't careful, there can be a lot of work involved in trying to come up with all the information you need to write such an essay.One option that can give you a good start is to use a sample outline. While many of these sample outlines are not very good, you may want to take advantage of a good one that you have found. In addition, you may be able to get some additional guidance from the person who compiled the sample that you are using as a template.A sample outline allows you to develop your own strategy based on the information that is presented to you. This strategy may not always work, but it may be better than following someone else's style guide.The goal of developing your own strategy is to come up with an original outline. There are many guides that will offer you tips on how to write an argumentative essay. In some cases, they can even provide a template or outline to use as a starting point.What you need to do when you find a sample outline is look at it closely and make a list of the sections that will be most useful. The next step is to go back and reread the outline that you found and see if it fits the information that you want to present. Sometimes, the points that were written in the outline actually contradict other sections of the essay.Make sure that you review the essay and examine it carefully to make sure that all the information is correct. Once you have identified where you want to focus your writing, you can begin to think about what information you will need to present.You should remember that once you have chosen to use a sample outline, you should only use it to find the relevant information. The final result may not be the same as if you had come up with the information yourself. If this happens, then it would probably be best to stick with a style guide and write the entire essay from that point.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Women Should Not Wear Dress - 1221 Words

individuals located in Texas as compared to individuals located in New York. Same goes for the industry that people are working in. Appearance goes along with first impressions. Dress should be in business attire or business casual with an emphasis on being conservative (India, 2015). Women should avoid wearing attire that is too revealing. Next comes the greeting. In the United States, it is customary to shake hands. Shaking hands is also a regular greeting in India (India, 2015). Men can shake hands with men and women with women. It is not often for men to shake hands with women because of religious reasons (India, 2015). A good approach if it is unknown if it’s okay to shake hands with the opposite gender is to wait for the†¦show more content†¦It is vital to communicate effectively. Avoid using words that hold multiple meanings. For example, the words date and foot both have multiple meanings. Indians prefer to do business with those they know. Respe ct and trust are vital to building a relationship. Generally speaking, it is preferred to already have a personal relationship before doing business. It is suggested to be introduced by a third party for instant credibility (India, 2015). Indians do not like conflict or confrontation. Saying â€Å"No† directly is considered rude, and it is rare to show disagreement (India, 2015). Look for indirect cues of disagreement. Vague responses can indicate a â€Å"No† as well. Be sure not to directly refuse, disagree, or say no. In negotiations, being overly aggressive or expressing feelings of anger will diminish trust and respect (India, 2015). The process for making decisions can be slow, and the most senior ranking person often makes the decision (India, 2015). It is common to celebrate with a meal. It is good to remember that â€Å"Hindus do not eat beef and many are vegetarians, Muslims do not eat pork or drink alcohol, and Sikhs do not eat beef† (India, 2015). Finally, managers are expected to be knowledgeable in the field. The expectation is for managers to provide guidance and answers, unlike in the U.S., where successful managers do not need to be subject matter experts on their team. Behavior in the work place is greatly influenced by the culture and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Domestic Violence Abuse And Its Effects - 852 Words

Domestic violence abuse can be observed in a relationship where there are levels of psychological, sexual, emotional, and financial and manipulation. In the â€Å"I am Not Your Victim† book we could identify several components of the Power and Control Wheel. One of the components of the domestic violence abuse is the use of financial or economical abuse. This concept states that a perpetrator of violence will utilize manipulation of the target victim in order to restrict his or her from working. In addition, the perpetrator will isolate the victim from socializing or interacting with his or her family in order to not have access to finances. On chapter 4, we learned observe the labor, family and social restriction imposed by Sam. Moreover, Sam managed to limit Beth’s behavior by making her a dependable women. Sam make sure to remove the automobile, no access to economy, not letting her socialize with Cindy and to promise her that she will be part of his allowance. Beth stated â€Å"I felt isolated because I desperately needed to work but working was out of the question.† The second component is using male privilege this component states that males are the authority, they will have the power to acting like the â€Å"boss† by making his wife do all the housework, take care of the children, manage the household income, and by deciding when his future desires must be comply by the female. In chapter 4, Beth stated that Sam didn’t help her with the household chores she has to take care of theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Domestic Abuse1340 Words   |  6 Pages1301 Lacina-Taylor 2 December 2014 Stop The Abuse Underreported and underestimated, domestic abuse rips families apart every single day. Domestic violence comes in mainly five different forms, physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and economic. This violence ruins families, demoralizes the victims, and the public downplays the household terrorism that goes on every day. Generally thought of as taboo, the public belittles and humorizes domestic abuse as a way to deal with it, that avoidance mustRead MoreDomestic Violence : The Horrific Effects Of Abuse1464 Words   |  6 PagesDOMESTIC VIOLENCE: The Horrifying Effects of Abuse â€Å"To those who abuse: the sin yours, the crime is yours, and the shame is yours. To those who protect the perpetrators: blaming the victims only masks the evil within, making you as guilty as those who abuse. Stand up for the innocent or go down with the rest†¦Ã¢â‚¬  These are the words of an individual who sees too clearly the injustice which comes with domestic violence toward women. The United States government estimates one in every four women willRead MoreEffect of Domestic Violence on Children692 Words   |  3 PagesASSIGNMENT 1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ID: S99003183; URIAM ROBATI ABSTRACT Domestic Violence has a great effect on children. Domestic violence also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse or child abuse is recognized as a pattern of abusive behavior by one or both partners especially those in marriage. This coercive behavior is used against another person to obtain power and control over the other party in a relationship. Domestic violence takes many forms such as physical violence which includesRead MoreEffects of Domestic Violence on Children1124 Words   |  5 PagesThe biggest victims of domestic violence are the littlest. The home is a suppose to be a safe and secure environment for children with loving parents and free from violence. Children need a secure environment where they can come home to when the outside world is unsafe. However, every year there are millions of children who’s homes are not a safe haven. Millions of children are exposed to a parent being violently assaulted. Domestic violence is a prevalent social issue in America today . First, whoRead MoreThe Effects of Domestic Violence on Children1529 Words   |  7 PagesProject: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Trudy Root Kaplan University CM107-11 Children are negatively impacted by the surrounding of domestic violence in multiple ways, in which need to be identified. The audience that needs to be aware of domestic abuse’s effects on children is adults that care for children; such as pediatricians, teachers, counselors, and parents. The issue that needs to be addressed is the negative effects on children involved in a domestic violence situationRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Abuse896 Words   |  4 Pageswitnesses abuse in his/her home at a young age? Introduction: What is domestic violence? â€Å"Domestic Violence is a pattern of behaviors used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often inclosing the threat or use of violence†(Safe Horizon, 2015). Domestic violence includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and exploitation; therefore, this is in relation to â€Å"intimate partner violence, battering, relationship abuse, spousal abuse, or familyRead MoreThe Effects of Domestic Violence on Children1540 Words   |  7 PagesProject: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Trudy Root Kaplan University CM107-11 Children are negatively impacted by the surrounding of domestic violence in multiple ways, in which need to be identified. The audience that needs to be aware of domestic abuse’s effects on children is adults that care for children; such as pediatricians, teachers, counselors, and parents. The issue that needs to be addressed is the negative effects on children involved in a domestic violence situationRead More Domestic Violence in Canada1662 Words   |  7 PagesViolence has become prevalent within society; it is something the western world has learned to accept. With every minute that passes Canadians come face to face with certain acts of violence they may not have previously encountered (citation). Although, violence is not a subject that one can escape, women and children have unfortunately become the prime victims of violent acts. The media glorifies violence in other countries around the world it fails to address the presence of violence within CanadaRead MoreDomest ic Violence : Violence Between Adult Intimate Partners1632 Words   |  7 PagesDomestic Violence Introduction Domestic Violence isn t just hitting, or fighting, or an occasional mean argument. It s a chronic abuse of power. The abuser tortures and controls the victim by calculated threats, intimidation, and physical violence. Actual physical violence is often the end result of months or years of intimidation and control. Defining the problem: Domestic violence is violence between adult intimate partners. Though the definition above seems simple enough (it is widely acceptedRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On People1708 Words   |  7 Pages What is domestic violence? Domestic violence is when a person uses a physical violence such as threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and taking control over another partner in a relationship (Understanding abuse). This happens every day to thousands of people all over the world. It’s a serious issue and people don t realize how serious it is. It’s killing people, ruining families, and leaving a lasting impact on people. Each year, 2 million people are injured

Death of a Salesman Willy Lomans Failure as a Father free essay sample

Willy Loman, the main character in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, has a powerful father role in the lives of his two sons, Biff and Happy. Willy, a man in his mid sixties, has not only strived to become a successful salesman, but also acts the successful father role, something that was lacked in his own childhood. Willy’s own actions and mistakes in his everyday lifestyle, influence Biff to believe that he has become a failure at the age of thirty-four. Happy, the younger of the two siblings has found that he has a growing obsession with women, similar to his father’s own affair. The diminishing level of confidence the boys have towards their father has created a terrible fate for the two sons. Willy Loman being unable to realize his mistakes and correct them as well as not changing his morals has set up his sons’ for failure. Biff Loman’s future looked bright when he was in high school- being the star football player with three major scholarships to colleges looked pretty promising- but yet returns home when he is much older claiming that he is â€Å"finding himself. † After flunking math his senior year, Biff looked to his father for help, only to catch him in the midst of an affair. The affair changed Biff’s views on his father, someone who he used to greatly admire then questions his father’s hopes for Biff. Biff’s dream is to move out west and live out on a cattle ranch while his father wants him to follow his footsteps to become a salesman: the job that Willy feels is the ultimate dream. When home, Biff tries everything in his power to attempt the path Willy has set out for him, even meeting with a possible job employer to create a new business. Biff confides in Happy and says, â€Å"And then he gave me one look and- I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been† (Miller 104). After the failure of this interview, Biff is left to feel as though his father is the one at fault and the reason that Biff is unsettled at his age, especially when Willy will not listen to Biff when he tries to explain his failure. Growing up, Willy taught Biff that appearance is what determined your status in life which led to Biff striving for success in sports and popularity in an attempt to feel prideful. Being unsuccessful and seen as lazy through his father’s eyes makes Biff feel as though it is not his fault. Biff was good at sports and such, but was not living up to other’s expectations, such as keeping passing grades in order to go to college. However, Biff risked future self-happiness in order to fall under his father’s beliefs of success. After failing in comparison to Bernard, who becomes a successful lawyer, Biff feels justified to blame it all on his father because of Willy’s actions. Willy acts as though he is perfect , when talking to his sons he says, †And when I bring you fellas up, there’ll be open sesame for all of us, ‘cause one thing, boys: I have friends† (31). Willy is convinced that selling has made him a respected and successful man . In reality, his â€Å"perfect life† is shadowed by the affair. Willy lives a life of illusion; believing success at the cost of losing his family if his lies catch up with him. Having a lying failure of a father leaves Biff to believe his own failure is because of his father. On the contrary, Happy Loman, the younger of the two Loman siblings, has always felt less favored than his brother Biff. Growing up, Happy would constantly aim to please his father and make Willy proud of him. In a flashback to high school, Happy repeatedly asks his father, â€Å"I’m losing weight, you notice, Pop? † (33). When it seems that all the attention is on Biff and his scholarships for football, Happy is left feeling unappreciated from the man he admires the most and sets out to prove himself. Now older, Happy has become a womanizer. However, he is dissatisfied because he feels as though he is a higher rank and a better person than his coworkers. Happy tries to prove this believed rank to himself by sleeping with the girlfriends of fellow employees and then going to their weddings. As a distraction from the fact that Happy is not the most successful businessman, the job he pursued to impress his father by following in his footsteps, Happy turns to women. When in the restaurant, Happy lies to the two women about his job and lifestyle, â€Å"I sell champagne† (101), â€Å"At West Point( )† (102). Similarly to Willy and his affair, Happy is looking for a way out of an unsuccessful lifestyle. Willy has the desire to escape business and his insecurities and finds the ego-boost in The Woman. Happy similarly believes that these rendezvous with many women will make him feel accomplished and worth something. This can again be traced back to Willy. Had Willy given more attention to Happy and feed his ego, Happy would not feel the need to prove something. After Willy failed to give Happy the sense of pride that was needed led Happy to gain an obsession with women and a negative shaping of personality. The fate for Biff and Happy Loman are very different, but both can thank their father’s actions. For Biff, the audience is left in hopes that he will finally pursue his dream of moving out west. Had Willy not constantly pushed Biff into selling, Biff would not have a dawn of realization. Once Biff found out about Willy’s affair, Biff realized the bead affect Willy had on his life. Along with the constant arguments, Biff realizes the lying life Willy had lived and is determined to not fall in his footsteps. Had Willy not begun lying, Biff would not gain a new view on his father and set out to change his own personality and stop aiming to please Willy. Happy on the other hand believes that replicating his father is the only way to get respect from Willy. After growing up underappreciated, Happy is determined to make his parents proud, even being desperate enough to follow along with his father’s illusions and wandering mind; as long as it keeps Willy happy. In the end of the play Happy declares, â€Å"I’m getting married, Pop, don’t forget it. I’m changing everything† (133). After hearing Willy constantly argue with Biff, Happy tries to make positive attention fall on him. Determined to seek pride, Happy is destined to fail just as his father did. In the requiem, Happy says, â€Å"I’m gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good dream. It’s the only dream you can have- to come out number-one man. He fought it out here , and this is where I’m gonna win it for him† (139). Happy sees his future identical to his father and tries to become the successful businessman that Willy always dreamed of becoming. Happy believes that Willy is still admirable and has the upmost respect for him. If Happy had not always felt underappreciated and second to his brother, he would not feel as desperate to become his father. This last hope seems impossible and has become an unhappy fate for Happy. Had Willy not been caught in his affair and taught the wrong morals to Biff as well as give equal attention to both sons, Biff and Happy’s fate would be less grim. Altogether, Willy Loman’s character as a father set up his sons’ destinies without even knowing it. The negative relationship that had become between the three was determined due to Willy’s actions and decisions. Willy’s failure to be truthful and teach the ways to success left Biff feeling justified to blame his own failure on his father. Willy’s favoritism towards Biff left Happy insecure and opened the gate to Happy’s obsession for women and the search for pride. Willy’s mistakes and failure as a salesman and a father created a negative fate for both Biff and Happy. The poor choices and actions Willy made shaped his children’s identity in a poor way.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Vietnams History in 20th Century

Introduction The socialist republic of Vietnam had a war within its borders, putting its north against south. The north eventually won it in 1975, but at the time, the country was already politically isolated. However, following efforts by the government to institute both political and economic reforms since 1986, the country has made important milestones in this endeavor.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Vietnam’s History in 20th Century specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Vietnam is a one-party state where the government has an official commitment to socialism although it seems to be shifting to capitalism. The United State’s, in an independent audit into Vietnam in 2004, classified its human rights record as ‘poor’. In addition, the country is ranked 128 in terms of democracy by world audit and 133 in terms of press freedom. Out of the 150 countries ranked, Vietnam is considered among the least democratic countries. The major economic activity for Vietnam is agriculture and particularly the growth of wet rice. The government operated a planned economy for farmers which began with the collection of farms under a government program. After a decade under this program, little had been achieved as it was plagued by corruption and inefficiency. It also suffered due to the embargos against it placed by development partners. The country’s GDP had been growing at 8% between 1990 and 1997, then at 7% between 2000 and 2005, owing the growth in a shift to a free market economy whose emphasis was on private ownership of agricultural, commercial and industrial firms. This kind of growth, which is one of the highest in the world, according to the statistics, could only be realized with minimal government control of the economy. However, government control does not always limit development. In china, a developed country, the government operates a centrally planned economy with good results. On the other hand a study of Myanmar’s economy asserts that it has largely been curtailed by the reluctance of the government opening the doors to free the market (Okamoto et al 3). Draper and Ramsey (7) define a good society as â€Å"one that satisfies the greatest good for the greatest number†. According to Nobel laureate Amartya Sen and Martha Naussbaum, meeting physical needs, physical safety insurance, informed decision making and presence of political and civil rights are the major factors for consideration in deciding whether human life is good or otherwise. A ‘good’ human life, they claim, is the cornerstone to a good society. In determining whether Vietnam is a good society or not, several factors have to be considered. The most important of these factors is Human Development. A transformational index study done by Stiftung in 2010, puts Vietnam at position 114 out of the 128 surveyed in terms of democracy, 59 in the mar ket economy category and 66 using the management index. On average, the country was position 78 out of 128. On a scale of 1 to 10, therefore, Vietnam ranks 4.Advertising Looking for research paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More While Vietnam performs well in her economic endeavors, improvement in democracy is needed. The government would do well by adhering to the recommendations made by UN member states that require it to cease detention and mistreatment of democracy advocates, certain religious groups, human rights activists and the use of capital punishment and torture on government critics. Other recommendations rejected by the Vietnamese government include the lifting of a ban on internet controls, legalizing privately owned media houses, allowing peaceful displays of dissent, reviewing the clauses on religious freedoms and abolishing the death sentence. These are the impediments which curtail the progress ion of Vietnam and its assimilation into the existing global village. On the same scale, Nigeria ranks 5 and Iran ranks 3. This is because Nigeria scores averagely both in terms of its economy and democracy, according to the same study whereas Iran is subject to many international barriers due to their insistence on having a nuclear program. Conclusion For a country to constitute a good society, its citizens must find it easy to live in it rather than somewhere else. Political institutions which are the major policy makers must therefore formulate policies which are favorable for the easy transaction of business otherwise the country is doomed to fail and subject itself to barriers which the international community will erect for it. Works Cited Draper, Alan and Ramsay, Ansil. The Good Society. New York: Longman Publishers, 2008 Okamoto, Ikuko, et al. Rich periphery, Poor Centre: Myanmar’s Rural Economy under Partial Transition to Market Economy. Tokyo: Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, 2003 Stiftung, Bertelsmann. â€Å"Vietnam Country Report†, Strategies of Development and Transformation (2010). April 12, 2011 We will write a custom research paper sample on Vietnam’s History in 20th Century specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This research paper on Vietnam’s History in 20th Century was written and submitted by user Emerson Burton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Marketing Concept Consumer Loyalty essay

Marketing Concept Consumer Loyalty essay Marketing Concept: Consumer Loyalty essay Marketing Concept: Consumer Loyalty essayConsumer loyalty is a feature of subjectively-positive approving consumer attitudes to a company, its brands, products and services, personnel, and other aspects, expressed through commitment. Under a loyal customer, marketers understand a person who makes regular repeat purchases, consumes a wide variety of company’s products, attracts other buyers, and does not respond to competitors’ offers. In general, consumer loyalty to a company largely determines the success of business and its assessment in the eyes of competitors and partners, as well as provides a strong foundation for stable sales. Further, we will focus on the essence of this marketing concept by studying both theoretical understanding and practical applications of loyalty mechanisms.Basically, loyalty is expressed in the fact that a consumer gives preference to company’s goods or services for a considerably long period of time (usually, over 1 year), almost w ithout asking for similar solutions from company’s major competitors. In this case, the concept of loyalty behavior includes the following categories (Reichheld Teal, 2001, p. 41): 1) action factors (purchase); 2) intention (subsequent actions; the probability of repeat purchases); 3) recommendations (the probability of recommendations of other people); 4) sensitivity (insensitivity to the actions of competitors); and 5) inertia (willingness to find other new options). The key force pushing a customer from stage 1 to subsequent stages is a positive experience after acquiring a product. For example, if a consumer is fully satisfied with the quality of a product of a particular company and service by company’s personnel, next time, with the rest factors stable, he/she is highly likely to make the same consumer choice in favor of this brand (further, we won’t consider the basic preconditions of loyalty, assuming that a company is competitive enough to provide them ). Besides, this favorable attitude will also be transferred to all the new products of the company. Furthermore, the strategy of strengthening customer loyalty is justified through the recent research results showing that the attraction of one new customer costs 5-10 times more than retaining an existing one (Reichheld Teal, 2001, p. 137), while a satisfied customer typically informs an average of 3 friends about a successful purchase, and an unsatisfied client shares one’s annoyance with about 10 friends (Reichheld Teal, 2001, p. 151).From the standpoint of company’s financial success, consumer loyalty leads to the following results (basing on Reichheld Teal, 2001; Dooley, 2011; and Velzquez et al., 2011):1) consumers become less sensitive to price, which means that a product (or service) can be charged at a higher price without the risk of losing the part of the turnover;2) the cost of sales to existing customers is lower than sales to the new ones. As a result, company’s profitability may grow up, even though the price is pulled down. In this case, a client can be offered a range of additional services (products) on the basis of cross-selling, thereby increasing the turnover of the company. Indeed, as Hallberg (1995) states, approximately 80% of their incomes companies receive from 20% of their customers, whereas the increase in the share of regular customers by only 5% results in the profit increase by 50% or even more (Reichheld Teal, 2001, p. 213).That is why, today more and more companies come to the idea of creating and implementing measures aimed at strengthening customer loyalty, primarily by means of personalized sales. For this purpose, companies provide the opportunities leaving feedback through which their consumers articulate their complaints or questions about the quality of a product/service, as well as introduce special programs to encourage consumption such as various seasonal discounts, gift certificates, birthday presents and sales on national holidays. Another effective approach is the development accumulative cards or club memberships for consumers.The latter method allows companies to not only attract new customers, but also greatly improve the quality of interaction with regular partners. One of the world’s first programs of this kind was the AAdvantage developed by American Airlines, which guaranteed passengers a substantial discount on next ticket after accumulating a certain number of miles. Today, similar programs are widely adopted in key airline services, as well as in hotel and restaurant chains. In a subconscious fear to lose alluring opportunities, consumers vigorously collect their loyalty points. As a result, Hilton clients rarely switch for Marriott (Velzquez et al., 2011). Studies have shown that loyalty programs using some type of bonus cards result in a decrease in consumer turnover by 30%, and an increase in the volume of business by 10%, while holding only 5% of t he total number of customers over time lead to 25-85% increase in profit obtained from them (Reichheld Teal, 2001, p. 183-87). At the same time, as Velzquez et al. (2011, p. 70) rightfully claim, bonus programs may be easily copied and therefore cannot provide a decisive competitive advantage.According to Garth Hallberg (1995), differentiated marketing strategy should also involve highly profitable direct communication and feedback based on efficient database systems. For instance, such large companies as Procter Gamble and Kraft Foods have already collected databases numbering more than 40 million records of individual households (Rungie et al., 2013, p. 1672), and the effectiveness of this strategy is proved experimentally. In particular, studies show a significant increase in the positive image of the brand and the volume of its purchases by those customers who have participated in direct communication programs on increasing loyalty. A typical program aimed at potentially high- profit consumers leads to an increase in sales inside this group by nearly 25% (Dean, 2007, p. 165). It is also important to mark that a substantial increase in company’s fame, image and frequency of purchases in the case of direct communication with consumers had a long-term effect. In many studies (Reichheld Teal, 2001; Dean, 2007; Rungie et al., 2013), changes were recorded even 2-3 months after the program implementation, while about 80% of the U.S. television audience cannot remember a particular advertisement they have seen the day before.On the other hand, in their long-term perspective, bonus cards turn to be unprofitable, and direct communication is often annoying. In this regard, one of the most vivid examples of an effective strategy is Apple, Inc., known for its most loyal customers. Despite several considerable declines, Apple has managed to achieve unprecedented loyalty by competently playing on â€Å"tribal instincts†. This amazing loyalty was surely bu ilt of many factors including advanced design, original products and technologies, user experience, creative marketing, etc. However, there is also an unexpected element, which, according to Roger Dooley (2011), played one of the key roles: the creation of an enemy to compete with. In its marketing fights with Samsung, Apple has been persistently building the social image of Apple users, which would differ dramatically from the rest of consumers. The result of using basic social archetypes was the emergence of Apple cult. Similar contradistinction strategy also used to be applied by such competitors as Nike and Adidas, IBM and Microsoft.Here, basing on Rungie et al. (2013) and Dooley (2011), a current trend should be stressed again: contemporary consumers react positively primarily on companies offering ideas â€Å"beyond known†, i.e. new technologies and bold features. Other non-material forms of consumer loyalty strengthening may involve company’s transparent policie s, clear corporate social responsibility policy, green and eco-saving innovations, newly discovered ways to connect on media, possibilities of the uniqueness of samples or their full compliance to individual specific requirement, as well as their multifunctionality. For instance, the Sportline Company has recently invented an interactive bottle equipped with a display. The smart vessel not only dispenses liquid, but also tells the time of the next portion, and demonstrates current indicators to monitor the level of water need in the body. The Life cycle of such products might be short, but the loyalty accompanying will be high proportionally. Attracted by markets gamification, consumers are often ready to follow their idols to the end.In sum, a loyal customer is always valuable in financial terms: he/she regularly buys company’s products, attracts new customers, requires much less attention, is already familiar with the company’s range of products and offerings, as wel l as more resistant to price fluctuations and is prone to overpay a little rather than buy unfamiliar goods. Therefore, the crucial task for any company consists in consumer retention, the inadmissibility of consumer’s departure to company’s competitor. In this regard, consumer devotion should be rewarded with an excellent service, personal attention, personalized discounts, bonuses, and gifts, in a row with relevant policies on constructing consumer’s social image, and considering personal feedbacks, interests and tastes in developing new product lines.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Angle of Vision

I see and hear many things happening around me. I am close to many other people and the doorways to various stores. As the people walk by me there Is a small gust of wind from behind them that feels like when a car drives by you on the road. This place Is so very calm. A few people sit down next to me, and they all chat quietly while drinking Struck. Everyone that is walking through the lounge and talking with their friends seems to be having a good time Just hanging out.Most people are smiling. I hear people whispering and laughing. One student walks quickly with an unhappy look on his face. Some people are sitting here listening to their pod and studying. The quiet buzz from their pods is calming. With everything going on in this one single room it still seems very quiet and peaceful to This room Is so noisy I cant even stand to be In here. Someone spilled their drink all over the floor. It made a huge mess. It looks Like It has Just rained Inside the building since there Is a huge puddle now.Some of the drink landed on the wall and Is now running down the wall Just Like a drop of rain. It has gotten really noisy with any people walking through to go to dinner. They are stomping down the stairs as a herd of elephants would walk through the plains. Someone gets bumped when they are walking down the stairs and yells. People are talking loudly to their friends and laughing. As the crowd of people move downstairs not many people are left. Most people are starting to leave.There are very few people in here now and most are headed to their room to go to study, relax, or sleep. The quiet is so different from all of the noise earlier. Analysis I decided to use Sheen Lounge as my observation spot because It seemed Like a alma and place to sit where I could observe the surroundings. There are many businesses, people, and places to sit inside Morris so it felt as a very dominant place to make observations. With people going through here to go to lunch or dinner or just to go to classes it was an extremely busy setting.I used a several different strategies in my essays. I used figurative language in my essay quite frequently. When I talked about someone spilling their drink all over the floor and it running down the wall, I said that it looked like it had rained all over the room. I also used a simile in my essay. When I talked about how it got really noisy inside this certain room I said it sounded like a herd of elephants walking through the plains. In my positive view I used the couches as my focus point. This Is where I sat and observed everything that happened.As I said In my positive view everyone walking through with their friends having a good time was also another focus point for me. Another example is the unhappy student. This is an example of word choice. Noise it almost seemed impossible to focus on what I was doing at the time. Now that I look back on it I dont know how people do homework in the lounge during the day. I used a good example or word choice in my negative view. I said that it has gotten really noisy and it sounds like elephants running through the plains.This gives me a very vivid visual picture in my mind. Now that my views are stated I want to end by saying that the Sheen Lounge is not the best place to observe or the best place to do anything except be loud and playful. Using sentence structure, word choice and simile shows exactly what you want the audience to see. By changing around a word it could be taken as positive or negative. In conclusion you always have to capture a mental picture for your audience, otherwise they wont know what you are talking about.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Outlook of Gulf Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Outlook of Gulf Politics - Essay Example Essentially, politics in the Gulf basin are sectarian-based. The division between the Shia and the Sunni, though emerging from the historical issues has been used by the powerful monarchs in the Gulf basin to further regional and self-interest. The Persian Gulf faces a number of challenges that might bring intense conflicts in the region. Religious extremism is a serious issue that has emerged as a potential area of conflict. The emergence of the Islamic state and the demanding ideological goal furthered by the group have brought into focus on the vulnerability of the Persian Gulf4. The Islamic state has been accused of massive atrocities, including terrorism, genocide and human rights violations. Balance of power is another area that may bring about conflicts in the Persian Gulf. The urge by different sects wanting to wield power and have control of the region is a potential issue of conflict, and though the struggle has been witnessed over the years5. Kristian, Coates Ulrichsen. Internal and External Security in the Arab, Gulf States. 2009. Available at:

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley Research Proposal

Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley - Research Proposal Example In its extreme, racist form, eugenics intended to obliterate all human beings considered "unfit," saving only those who matched to a Nordic label. The eugenics theory hailed forced sterilization and isolation laws, in addition to marriage controls. In America, eugenics practitioners eventually forcefully sterilized some 60,000 Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, compulsorily isolated thousands in "colonies," and harassed countless numbers. Before World War II, nearly half of forced sterilizations were done in California, and even after the war, the state contributes for a major percentage of all such surgeries (Black). In the novel Brave New World, Huxley had indicted against modern science and eugenics. In the second chapter of "Brave New World Revisited", however, Huxley seems disappointed by eugenics being discarded, saying, "In the Brave New World of my fantasy, eugenics and dysgenics were practiced systematically. In this second half of the twentieth century we do nothing systematic about our breeding". Does that mean that Huxley now regrets what he said before, that, social eugenics controlling population systematically would have benefited humanity in the long run Would Huxley now prefer biologically better ova, fertilized by biologically better sperm, to produce better species of people aided by the best possible pre-birth care to be lastly decanted Probably to answer such criticism, Huxley soon says, in the haphazard and looseness of the natural order and the biological interference that is aimed at reducing diseases and so on, we not only over-populate our earth but we also confirm that those who do not receive good care and treatments become the greater numbers - people having biologically poorer attributes. This, according to Huxley, means that an almost unknowing repetition of the Bokanovsky Process as depicted in Brave New World where biologically substandard ova, fertilized by biologically poorer sperm, were put through and dealt before birth with alcohol and other protein-destroying toxics, to make ("decant") the creatures finally nearly subhuman. Thus, for Huxley, eugenics is a proposed as a form of pseudoscience that is focused on "improving" the human race. In this paper, I will discuss Huxley's views on eugenics, the origins of the theory as well as the current views on the same. Development of the study of eugenics Eugenics was proposed as a means to selective breeding and genetic engineering in order to make human beings fit to survive in the world of the fittest, or in what is known as social Darwinism. The definition of eugenics is itself a much controversial subject. While some scholars think altering the gene pool is what is eugenics, some argue even attempting to alter some behavioral traits is also eugenics. Modern day reprogenetics, preemptive abortions and designer babies or infanticide in some primitive societies may also termed as eugenics. Eugenics may be positive - by increasing the fertility rate of the stronger genetic qualities - or negative - by lowering the fertility rate of the weaker genetic qualities. Perhaps this was why abortion was illegal for the racially superior women in Nazi Germany. In the modern times, eugenics is practiced by

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Problem of Teen Alcoholism in the United States Essay -- Drinking

From pastures to unsupervised blowouts at home, the social calendars of most teens are full of alcohol. Other drugs rise and fall in popularity from generation to generation, but alcohol never really goes out of style. From being worshiped by the ancient Babylonians to being forbidden to teenagers, alcohol has caused many problems. Today, drinking is the drug of choice by teens and causes most wrecks and deaths today. To understand alcohol people must first know the history of alcohol, the effects of teen drinking, and the solutions to teen drinking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alcohol has been all around the world for centuries and has become a custom of people all over. No one knows for sure who discovered alcohol, but we know how different types of alcohol are made. Just as well, no know knows when alcohol was discovered. There are no records of the discovery or discoverers of alcohol. Although historians do know alcohol ?was used by primitive people and recorded as early as 10,000 years ago in the Neolithic period and by European civilization?(Milgram 22). As early as 5000 B.C., the ancient Babylonians brewed, the process of making beer, their beer in religious temples because it was considered a gift from God. Beer is an alcoholic beverage made by fermentation of cereal grains such as, wheat, rye, corn, or barley; beer contains 3 to 6 percent alcohol. Besides the ancient Babylonians, the ancient Egyptians drank beer. The Egyptians called their beer hek, which was made from barley bread. The bread was crumbled into jars, covered with water, and allowed to ferment. The Egyptian pharaohs blessed this beer in the honor of the goddess of nature, Isis. Egyptians handed out free jugs of beer to peasant workers, and by no surprise drunkenness was a common problem in ancient Egypt (Nielsen 13).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The strongest alcohol drinks are called liquors or spirits. An Arabian alchemist named Geber discovered liquor in the eighteenth century A.D. Geber made liquor by distillation, burning away the impurities that formed in wine during fermentation and isolated the remaining liquids. As a result, the concentrated liquid had a higher alcoholic content, which was ?mainly flavored alcohol and water?(Milgram 65). Arnaud de Villanueva discovered liquor in Europe 500 years later, when he made brandy. Arnaud claimed that brandy would cure all humanity?s diseases, prolong life, maintain youth, a... ...o 21 in Mexico and Canada, it would help cut down on teenage drinking. Everyday teenagers drink, despite the many dangers and risks that they are taking every time they drink. Throughout history and probably in the future, alcohol will be the leading drug of choice for teenagers. On the other hand, teenagers in turn are becoming better educated about themselves and the risk of alcohol. Work Cited ?Alcohol Education Program For Minors.? Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 1994. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Drinking Driving and Other Drugs. Homepage. 20 June 2001. Milgram, Gail. Coping with Alcohol. New York: The Boston Publishing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Group1987. NCADD. Youth, Alcohol, and Other Drugs. Homepage. 20 June 2001.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ?Net Biz Mentor.? Underage Drinking. Homepage. 20 June 2001.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nielson, Nancy. Teen Alcoholism. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc., 1990. O?Brien, Robert, Morris Chafetz, Sidney Cohen. Understanding Alcohol And Other Drugs. Vol. 1. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1999.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Supply and Management

__† .. _ _~~ w† t'HlI~ln †Ã¢â‚¬ '110111'1;/1'1 gllls! les)7 h. If another person Wasadded, where is the logical place'? c. What effect would a mail order lab (where the glasses are made off site and returned in 5-7 days) have on the process? 10 A quoting department for a custom publishing house can complete 4 quotes per day, and there are 20 quotes in various stages in the department. Applying Little's Law, the current lead time for a quote is how many days? 11 A small barber shop has a single chair and an area for waiting, where only one person can be in the chair at a time, and no one leaves without getting their hair cut. So the system is roughly: Entrance —+ Wait —+ Haircut —+ Exit Assume customers arrive at the rate of 10 per hour and stay an average of 0. 5 hour. What is the average number of customers in the barber shop? ADVANCED PROBLEM 12 Remember Mr. Rockness in Problem 2? He now retrains college professors. It is a much more challenging task but still involves five steps. He has worked hard to balance the line; however, there is a lot of variability. Each stage in the process now handles between one and six faculty members er hour depending on how bad the case is. If there is some inventory available for every position (do not worry about the start-up), what is the expected output per hour? (Assume that each stage is independent and that it is equally likely that one. two, three, four, five, or six faculty members get processed each hour at each stage. )† 5/'IEJ ::l-#1-1 ~ i4. * MAil, S$ _:. II. CASE: II ANALYZING _ _ â€Å"†l&'l;~R CASINO ,'† â€Å"ll~ RIfj~_I _ WlI'_W I† MONEy-HANDLING ~_m~~_>

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Race, a Never Ending Problem Essay example - 1076 Words

Racial inequality has to be one of the top issues in the world; it seems as if it cannot be solved. There are many who fight for racial equality and believe they have won however racism and inequality still exists. Usually the main targets of racial discrimination are the working class African Americans; this issue prevents them from bettering their lives. In A Raisin in the Sun the author, Lorraine Hansberry analyzes the lives of the oppressed younger family; she molds her literature by showing that racism and classism are the reasons why they cannot accomplish their goals. It is understood that this play gives the insinuation that racial equality leads to a better future, which is what the younger family longs for. The characters Walter,†¦show more content†¦Once he goes on with the investment in the liquor store he is then betrayed. This shows that he was taken advantage of possibly because he is black. This then leads him to say â€Å"We get to looking ‘round for the right and the wrong; and we worry about it, cry about it, and stay up nights trying to figure out ‘bout the wrong and the right of things all the time†¦ man, them takers is out there operating, just taking and taking†(Act III). He is disgusted with what Willy Harris did to him, he feels like a piece of his life was snatched from him. Walter already doesn’t trust the â€Å"white man† but now he is being betrayed by his own kind. This incident serves as an addition to his current discriminatory nature. Along with Walter, Mama has also dealt with her share of racial discrimination with respect to her social class. Mama is the typical mother/grandmother; she always hopes for the best and wants the best for her family. She has dreams of living in a nicer, less dangerous area, the Clybourne neighborhood which is predominantly white. She receives bad reviews from her neighbor but doesn’t worry about it. She is then faced with a racial issue involvi ng a representative from the neighborhood. Mr. Lindner wants to bribe the family so they won’t move into that neighborhood he states, â€Å"Well I don’t understand why you people are reacting this way. What do you think youShow MoreRelatedPrejudice and Discrimination in America Today Essay1663 Words   |  7 PagesAcross the nation, millions of Americans of all races turn on the television or open a newspaper and are bombarded with images of well dressed, articulate, attractive black people advertising different products and representing respected companies. The population of black professionals in all arenas of work has risen to the point where seeing a black physician, attorney, or a college professor are becoming more a common sight. 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